Important News Letter
Members Newsletter – 18th August 2021
From the Committee of Management –
Special General Meeting –
A review of the Club’s constitution has been undertaken by the Committee of Management .
The review was instigated by several factors:-
– Strategic Plan 2019 – update strategies
– Golf Australia (VIC) recommendation
– Ensuring the existing constitution continues to be fully compliant with Consumer Affairs Victoria and changes to come into line with other Clubs.
A Special General Meeting of members is required to adopt the updated constitution. A Notice of Special General Meeting to be held on 14 September 2021 will be emailed to each eligible voting member, stating the business of the meeting at least 21 days before the date of the general meeting. A copy of the new constitution is available upon request to the Operations Manager. You are encouraged to review the changes and information sessions will be held at a date to be determined.
Membership Fees – Proposal
A restructuring of the annual subscription fee payment is planned to move payment to a more timely date to assist members and club administrative functions. The proposed changes of full payment will be moved from the busy month of December. It is proposed that a pro rata payment of five months from the 1st December 2021 to 30th April 2022 and thereafter on the 1st May each year as determined by the Committee of Management . Affiliation fees will be adjusted accordingly.
Green Fees –
It has been a number of years since any changes were made to the Club’s green fees. A review of the green fee structure is being undertaken by the Committee of Management taking into consideration the unknown impact of COVID, Port Fairy Golf Links position in the marketplace and the Club’s future needs.
Risk Management Essentials
Risk Management Essentials conducted a risk assessment of the Port Fairy Golf Club and the report identified:
- Clubhouse refurbishment – Asbestos issues within the Clubhouse. The House Committee is taking the opportunity to investigate refurbishment of the amenity and upgrading members’ facilities.
- Relocation of Green Keepers Sheds – The golf course greens maintenance sheds and work area do not meet current standards. The opportunity to relocate the Workshop to an alternate site has been considered taking into account the economics of restoring or rebuilding and the benefits of improving the golf course. The Committee of Management has approved investigating relocating the Workshop to the material storage area behind the second green. This is an exciting development which will enhance the amenity of the golf course greatly.
- Practice Area – Given the lack of visibility and monitoring of people using this area and the previous incidents regarding golf balls hitting vehicles, the practice area is temporally closed. Members will be subject to disciplinary action if this requirement is not followed. The Board is addressing this issue.
RUOK day –
Port Fairy Golf Club proudly presents “On Par” – promoting RUOK Day and supporting raising awareness of Mental Health and Wellbeing in our community on 9th September through Women’s Competition Day and on 10th September 2021 with Sponsors’ Day. More details to follow.
Committee of Management