Reciprocal Club Updates 2023
We have received a number of reciprocal Club requests and took this opportunity to review our current agreements. Following the review, the Club has entered into new agreements with Portsea (Vic), Royal Hobart (Tas) and Links Lady Bay (SA). The reciprocal agreements with both Portsea and Royal Hobart are full reciprocal agreements, which involves does no green fee payable when visiting these clubs. The agreement with Links Lady Bay involves a 50% green fee payable when making use of the agreement.
We see the agreement with Portsea & Royal Hobart as providing a great benefit for members, so we encourage members to make use of these when visiting the areas. To make use of these agreements, you will need to obtain a letter on introduction from the club to confirm your membership. We will be reviewing these agreements after 12 months to ensure an equitable number of Port Fairy members are making use of the agreements against the number of visitors we receive from those clubs.
In adding these clubs to our reciprocal list, it was decided to remove some of the current clubs that didn’t provide sufficient benefit to members of Port Fairy. The clubs that have been removed are Buninyong, Neangar Park and Club Barham.